
What is the reason behind the asymmetry of the face?

What is the reason behind the asymmetry of the face?

What is the reason behind the asymmetry of the face?

When you stand in front of the mirror, you may begin to inspect your features and notice that you have one eye higher than the other and different from it, or more exophthalmos than its counterpart, or an eyebrow that has a different shape from the other... You think that you suffer from a deformity in your face, but in fact it is present in most people and But to varying degrees, what is the reason for the asymmetry of the faces?

1- Double vision (strabismus, a large difference in visual acuity between the right and left eyes).

2- Dental diseases (incorrect bite, lack of teeth on one side of the jaw).

3- Daily habits also play an important role in the asymmetry of the face, such as chewing gum on one side or sleeping on a specific side.

4- The structure of the bones in the face, where the bone part depends on genetics, that is, genetic factors affect the asymmetry of the face.

5- Synapses of nerve endings (for example, after a stroke), inflammation of the facial nerve.

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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