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These are signs of a child being infected with the herpes virus

What are the signs of a herpes virus?

These are signs of a child being infected with the herpes virus

Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2) cause oral, genital, and congenital herpes infections in children and adults. A child can get herpes from his parents, other children, or an infected mother during pregnancy or vaginal delivery

Sores in the mouth:

These are signs of a child being infected with the herpes virus

Children usually develop gingivitis caused by the herpes simplex virus and mouth ulcers, often accompanied by fever, pain, irritability, and decreased appetite. Some children may refuse to drink fluids because of painful sores

 sores on the skin:

These are signs of a child being infected with the herpes virus

And the symptoms of herpes are also cold sores or fever blisters on the mouth. Sores can sometimes appear on the face, chin, or fingers. Oral herpes is transmitted from an adult to a child or a child to a child by sharing utensils, drinks or towels.

Signs of congenital herpes simplex:

These are signs of a child being infected with the herpes virus

Herpes simplex is transmitted from mother to child in the womb or during vaginal delivery. Symptoms usually appear in the first month after the baby is born. Newborns may show signs of irritability, jaundice and difficulty breathing, snoring, blue appearance, and bleeding, some babies may develop localized infections of the skin in the form of blisters on the face or eyes

These are signs of a child being infected with the herpes virus

Disseminated herpes infection is an infection that spreads throughout the body and infects the child's vital organs. If left untreated, encephalitis and herpes infections can turn fatal, so it is essential to seek treatment immediately if your child shows any of these signs.

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