
Four foods to maintain bone health

Four foods to maintain bone health

Four foods to maintain bone health

Here are some of the best foods to help reach the recommended levels of calcium daily:

1. Milk

Dr. Hembry recommends three servings of one cup of milk per day, as the best calcium options are in the cow's milk and yogurt group as well as fortified milk, almond milk or calcium-fortified soybean alternatives.

2. Dark leafy vegetables

Spinach is at the top of the list of leafy green vegetables that are good for your health in general. But Dr. Hembrey warns that improving calcium levels in the body is not one of the benefits that are obtained when eating spinach, because it contains a compound called “oxalate,” which inhibits the body’s ability to absorb calcium. Therefore, she advises adding other dark leafy greens along with spinach such as kale, kale, mustard greens or kale to maintain a balanced diet and avoid negative impact.

3. Calcium-fortified cereals and juices

Dr. Hembry adds that choosing whole-grain packages labeled "calcium fortified," along with a glass of cow's milk, almond milk, or a glass of calcium-fortified orange juice in the morning, can cover two-thirds of the recommended amount of calcium per day.

4. Salmon, tahini and almonds

Dr. Hembry concludes her advice by noting that canned salmon and sardines contain about 118 to 300 milligrams of calcium per 100 grams, while a tablespoon of tahini provides about 60 milligrams of calcium, and a quarter cup of almonds provides 95 milligrams of calcium.

Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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