
Learn about Abu Kaab's disease or mumps

Mumps, or as it is called in the slang language Abu Ka’ab, is an inflammation of the parotid gland and is classified as an acute and infectious disease caused by the Paramyxo virus. It affects children between the ages of two to 12 years, and in fewer cases it can infect adults.

Mumps disease, according to Dr. Farah Youssef Hassan, a specialist in oral and dental medicine and surgery, is transmitted from one person to another through saliva or breathing saliva droplets that spread from the infected person when sneezing or coughing. It can also be transmitted through sharing utensils and cups with the infected person or through direct touch For things contaminated with these viruses such as phone handsets, door handles, etc.

Hassan showed that the incubation of the disease, i.e. the period between infection with the virus and the appearance of symptoms, ranges between two to three weeks, meaning that the first symptoms usually appear 16 to 25 days after the occurrence of infection.

Regarding the symptoms of mumps disease, the specialist states that one out of every five people infected with the mumps virus does not show any symptoms or signs, but the primary and most common signs are swollen salivary glands, which cause the cheeks to swell, and gland swelling may appear before the child feels any symptoms, unlike adults Those who develop systemic symptoms a few days before the appearance of the bulge clearly.

The systemic symptoms are fever, chills, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite, dry mouth, a special rash around the orifice of the parotid duct, Stinson's duct, which is one of the characteristic symptoms in addition to swelling and swelling of the salivary glands with persistent pain when chewing and swallowing and while opening the mouth and direct pain in the cheeks, especially when chewing It also causes swelling in front of, below and behind the ear, and eating sour foods makes this disease worse.

Dr. Hassan points out that the tumor usually begins in one of the parotid glands, then the second swells the next day in about 70 percent of cases, calling for blood analysis to confirm the disease.

It was found that the complications of parotitis are very serious, but they are rare, such as pancreatitis, whose symptoms include pain in the upper abdomen, nausea and vomiting, in addition to inflammation of the testicles. This condition causes swelling and the inflammation is painful, but it rarely causes sterility.

Girls who have reached puberty can develop mastitis, and the infection rate is 30%, and the symptoms are swelling and pain in the breast. To the possibility of spontaneous abortion if the infection with mumps during pregnancy, especially in its early stages.

Dr. Hassan points out that viral encephalitis or encephalitis is a rare complication of mumps, but it is likely to occur in addition to meningitis or meningitis, an infection that affects the membranes and fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord that can occur if the mumps virus spreads through the bloodstream to infect the central nervous system. About 10 percent of patients can develop hearing loss in one or both ears.

Regarding the treatment of mumps, the specialist explains that the well-known antibiotics are considered ineffective because this disease is of viral origin, and that most children and adults improve if the disease is not accompanied by complications within two weeks, indicating that rest, lack of stress, a lot of fluids and semi-liquid foods, and placing warm compresses on the swollen glands relieves From the severity of symptoms, antipyretics can be used.

As for the prevention of mumps infection, it begins with giving the child a condom vaccine, and its effectiveness is 80 percent in the case of a single dose, and it rises to 90 percent when two doses are given.

Mumps infection can also be prevented by washing hands thoroughly with soap and water, not sharing food utensils with others, and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces, such as door handles, with soap and water periodically.

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