
Meet the stingiest woman in history

Meet the stingiest woman in history

Meet the stingiest woman in history

Hetty Green

Her fortune is more than 2,3 trillion dollars, and she did not change her underwear since she was 16 years old until her death.
And caused her son's leg to be amputated because she insisted on searching for free treatment!
It's Hetty Green, the meanest woman in history.
Hetty Greene was born in America in 1835, the only daughter of a wealthy businessman.
She opened her first bank account when she was six years old after her passion for collecting money started and she started reading the economic pages of the daily newspapers!!
She inherited from her father a fortune estimated at 7.5 million dollars when she was twenty-one years old.
She moved to New York to invest her money in Wall Street and was called the Wicked Witch of Wall Street.
She married a millionaire like her but still lived on leftover cakes and cracked biscuits in the grocery store and argued to get a free bone for her dog every day!!
Hetty Greene was a very miserly woman who had sewed underpants at the age of 16 and had not changed or bought anything else until the day she died.
She never spent a penny, it was said that she never used hot water, that she wore a black robe, which she only changed when it was completely worn out, and that she lived on a two-year pie.
Hetty cut off her son's leg because when he broke it she delayed treatment because she insisted she shouldn't spend any money and kept looking for free medical care.
Hetty Greene died in 1916 at the age of 81 in New York City.
She died and left behind a huge fortune, and her children did not inherit her extreme miserliness, but were so generous that her daughter built a free hospital with her money.

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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