
Six things that selfish people do to pretend they are smart

Six things that selfish people do to pretend they are smart

Six things that selfish people do to pretend they are smart
1- They correct your grammar or spelling errors when there is no need to
2- They use strange, uncommon terms to pretend that the culture is wide
3- They only talk to you in areas that you do not know about, so that you do not discuss with them the validity of what they say
4- They refuse to change their idea even after they are proven wrong with the evidence
5- They attack your person instead of discussing your ideas
6- They claim that the skills or knowledge they possess (may be their scientific specialization or their work) are more important than the field of knowledge of others.

Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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