
How do you relax your digestive system in its work?

How do you relax your digestive system in its work?

beneficial bacteria

A recent French study recommends making yogurt one of the main ingredients of some meals, such as breakfast, as it plays a good role in improving digestion at the beginning of the day, as well as the speed of food transfer to the small intestine.
The study adds that yogurt is one of the natural sources of probiotics, as well as contains good types of beneficial bacteria that the digestive system needs in the stomach and intestines, as these bacteria contribute to maximizing the benefit of food and preventing many digestive disorders.
The researchers explain this that yogurt has the ability to create an environment suitable for the growth and increase of beneficial bacteria inside the body, as well as because it contains live species that support these good bacteria for digestion and for the body in general.
Eating yogurt also helps reduce the effect of the excess immune response in people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and it has an important role in accelerating recovery from some infections and various injuries.

Dietary fiber

Several studies have confirmed the importance of eating foods full of dietary fiber, as they are very beneficial for the digestive system, as they improve and speed up the digestion process, prevent constipation, and maintain the strength of the stomach and intestines.
Dietary fiber absorbs a large amount of water, which requires an adequate amount of fluids, which increases the softness of the waste, and thus eliminates the problem of constipation, and remains for a long period in the intestine, which increases the chances of benefiting from nutrients, and gives a sense of satiety for a longer period. possible period.
Eating these foods helps regulate the stages of digestion, from stomach to absorption, while avoiding the problem of indigestion, preventing gas and protecting against diarrhea.
One of the researchers says that foods that contain dietary fiber have a significant role in facilitating the movement of food within the intestine, in addition to another task, which is to cleanse the digestive system of toxins, waste, waste and difficult to digest materials.
Foods rich in fiber are available in most fruits, as well as vegetables, and whole grains such as whole wheat, whole rice, whole corn, seeds and nuts, beans, beans, lentils and legumes in general.


A Chinese study recommends drinking plenty of fluids and water during the day; Because it works to improve the quality of digestion, the body is in constant need of fluids, they are necessary for dietary fiber that needs large amounts of water, and therefore it is one of the basics of the digestion process.
Eating fluids prevents constipation, which is a disorder of the digestive system, facilitates the process of excretion, and contributes to creating a continuous moist environment in order to maintain the necessary level of saliva secretion, as well as the rate required in the stomach to regulate the digestion process.
Studies differed on the dates of taking fluids or water in general. Some of them said that these fluids can be taken during or after eating, to help digestion, whether they are warm drinks such as tea, anise, fenugreek, ginger or others, as a kind of contribution to the hydration of the digestive system and the mouth.
Other studies caution against fluid intake during meals; Where it showed that these liquids reduce the concentration of digestive enzymes produced by the digestive system as soon as food enters the mouth, and also reduce the benefits of nutrients during absorption, and these studies recommend eating liquids at least 50 minutes before meals, or about 90 minutes after eating a meal Or more, and warned against taking these fluids while eating.

before sleep

An Italian study warns against eating meals directly before bed, especially for those whose work conditions force them to postpone food until they return home, and thus eat a large meal and then go to sleep, and this is an unhealthy habit.
Eating these meals before bed causes severe confusion in the digestive system, as these huge amounts of fats, starches and sugars lead to multiple digestive disorders, in addition to losing the advantage of deep sleep.
The study shows that all parts of the body need time to rest during sleep, to make the necessary maintenance and renewal of cells and tissues, and in the case of eating before bedtime, the digestive system is deprived of this necessary period, causing it a burden, fatigue and exhaustion, and thus not performing its function to the fullest.
The study recommends eating food about 2 to 3 hours before bed, to prevent the accumulation of sugar in the blood in high quantities, and exposure to great risks, and to give the digestive system a chance to digest and then rest.

rest while eating 

Some studies show that eating while standing is also an unhealthy habit. This situation represents discomfort for the person and the digestive system itself, and he is forced to eat quickly, which makes the digestion process very difficult.
It is preferable to sit and enjoy food through good chewing, and to stay away from watching television or following social media, as well as not being preoccupied with the phone and other similar devices.
It is necessary to be careful and slow to eat food; Let each stage of digestion take its role in performing its function, such as the mouth and saliva, and this helps to avoid digestion problems, while eating reasonable and not large meals, to get calories that suit the person, make him feel comfortable and energetic, and prevent their accumulation inside the body in the form of harmful and bad fats.

Playing sports

Exercising and sports activities contribute greatly to strengthening the digestive system and improving its functions significantly, as it helps to burn accumulated calories, and gives an opportunity to get more, in addition to moving the parts of the digestive system, and helping to facilitate the passage of food in the intestines and stomach.
Movement generally increases the rate of digestion and increases its quality. These activities protect against some digestive problems, especially constipation, as they reduce the period of food stay in the large intestine, and thus not completely lose water from waste, which represents a prevention of constipation.
The exercises work to strengthen the natural contractions of the muscles of the digestive system, which are necessary for the movement of food within the tubes of this system, to complete the digestion process smoothly.
The digestive system needs rest; To restore its vitality and activity, and sleep periods represent the rest time for this device, in order to raise its ability to work efficiently and vigorously. The researchers advise sleeping from 6 to 8 hours a day, and sleep must be comfortable and deep, until the body’s organs calm down and regain their strength the next day.

Ginger and mint

A new American study indicates that stillness or sitting for long periods after heavy and large meals is one of the mistakes that a large number of people make, and the reason is that there is no opportunity to burn this huge energy.
The study also warned against excessive exercise after eating, because this causes a kind of indigestion, and causes strong contractions as a result of weak amounts of blood reaching the digestive system, which helps in the digestion process itself.
One of the researchers says that it is possible to take nutritional supplements represented in peppermint oil capsules, because they contribute to stimulating and facilitating the digestion process, and treat some digestive disorders.
Another study confirmed that eating ginger works to solve problems that affect the digestive system, as it eliminates bloating and treats diarrhea, as well as prevents cases of colon irritation, and prevents indigestion, as it stimulates the production of necessary enzymes, to raise the efficiency of the digestion process inside the body.
The study shows that ginger in general improves the quality of the digestion process significantly, as it plays an assistant role in transferring food after its digestion in the stomach to the small intestine, by raising the movement of contractions of the stomach walls, which in turn helps to increase the speed of moving food to the intestine, and facilitates the process of absorption as well.

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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