
How can you empathize with yourself more?

How can you empathize with yourself more?

How can you empathize with yourself more?

What does self-compassion mean?

Self-compassion does not mean selfishness or arrogance. Research has proven just the opposite. Simply, being emotional is as much as being affectionate to others.

Psychologists have found that empathy is the most important life skill and can boost resilience, courage, energy, and creativity.

So the question here is that if empathy is so good for itself, why can't so many people do it?

When you want to be merciful, you have to open your heart first. Depending on the type of mental scars you have, they can be both beautiful and painful at the same time.

positive self conversation

Unfortunately, most of the time, we criticize ourselves. This embarrassing image has a negative impact on most of our choices in life. One of the best ways to change negative internal dialogue is with empathy.

Do you talk to yourself as if you were talking to your best friend? If the answer is no, then it's time to change your internal dialogue to give you energy.

Positive inner dialogue is very beneficial for a healthy body, life satisfaction, increased vitality, and reduced anxiety.

Try to quickly identify the moments when you start a negative internal conversation and change that conversation. Instead of focusing on negative things about yourself, be proud of yourself and the success you have had in life.


Why do you constantly punish yourself? You don't have to put up with these painful feelings for another day.

It is impossible for you to move forward in life when you always feel guilty as a double-edged sword. The solution is self-forgiveness. Everyone is wrong. It's okay to be able to forgive yourself, you have to be kind and gentle.

Most importantly, always remember that mistakes are part of human existence. With mistakes you learn, grow and progress.

accept failure

Do you constantly think about your failures instead of focusing on your strengths? If so, you are not the only one who does. Studies have shown that our innate negative tendencies make us feel defeated more than we are, and keep our flaws constant.

For all of us, there are times when we face failure and the potential for failure over and over again throughout our lives. However, some people allow their identities to be formed by their failures and remain helpless in their failures.

An empathic person allows them to learn from their failure and gain awareness.

If you are not looking for and trying new experiences, you will never know your capabilities.

Next time you fail to do something, be kind to yourself instead of torturing yourself. Evaluate what went wrong. Praise yourself for what you did right and learn from your mistakes.

When there is no growth, only your energy is lost and lost. If you're not on the path to growth, you're dead. If you learn to find your way through the hardships of living with elegance and simplicity.


Your mind determines the reality of your existence. If you take a negative view of life and think that the world is in trouble, you are drawn to this negative energy. But on the contrary, if you believe that the world is helping you on the path of growth, you can easily access resources that will help you achieve your goals.

If your attitude to life shows appreciation, you can change your life to be happier and achieve most of your goals. In this case, you will not only value the people in your life more than ever, but you will also appreciate your progress and progress.

Gratitude is a channel through which you can be more compassionate than ever with yourself, others, and the world.

Communicate with respondents

Since people are similar to the people around you, you should choose the people you want to be with.

Do your friends make you depressed or sad or give you life force? If you feel depressed with them, you need to know that it is time to think about finding a new friend.

If you are surrounded by people with mental illness, your life will be on the right track.

Only associate with positive thinkers and people who make you feel the best and encourage you to be the best in life. Understand that success in life depends on it. You can also be sympathetic to others in the meantime.

Not to compare with others

Who do you usually compare yourself to? According to social comparison theory, everyone tends to compare himself to others. We all do this now and then. However, none of us realize the negative effects this can have on our mental and spiritual health.

Research indicates that getting used to negative social comparisons causes a person to become more anxious, anxious and depressed and makes decisions that are likely to fail. Social networks have made it easy for us to spend a lot of time researching the lives of others and paying less for ourselves. It's a disaster when you want to value yourself.

When you compare yourself to others, the negative voice within you is telling you that you are not good enough. This voice only reinforces your inner negative dialogue that tells you that others are better than you, but this statement is never true. The more you compare yourself to others, the more you lose your identity.

Spend the most time having fun

When was the last time you did an interesting job? We often get caught up in busy lives and forget about ourselves. This is exactly why you remind yourself that playing and having fun is an integral part of life. If you don't, there is a risk that you will take life more seriously, or that you will get tired too much.

Remind yourself that sometimes it's not always easy to get everything done. In fact, celebrate yourself. Nobody cares about the fact that kids love games. Therefore adults should not be banned from playing.

Playing usually causes the release of endorphins. This chemical gives your body a good mood, makes you feel comfortable and relieves pain.

Playing and playing can be as simple as going into a weight class. You can get away from your home and work on the weekends and do whatever you want.

Try new things

Having a proper routine in life is great, but as you become attached to it, you immerse yourself in everyday life and try new things less often. For example, when was the last time you got out of your safe zone and did something other than your daily routine?

Most people wake up at a certain hour each day. They have regular breakfast and coffee and go out with the usual people. If you are, then it's no wonder you feel sluggish over time. You've been living a completely "monotonous" life.

Rest assured, it will turn your life boat upside down. But if you're looking for some excitement and energy, it's time to change the game and try new things.

The more new things you try, the more passionate you are about the things you love.

self love ritual

Loving yourself is like a muscle in the body: if you don't use it, you will gradually weaken. One of the best ways to love yourself is to have compassion for yourself.

We all easily overlook the benefits of giving ourselves time to grow. Build a deeper connection with yourself by applying any of these techniques (eg meditation, long baths, nature walks, writing a diary or any other work that interests you).

If you do not have time to nourish your soul, you will not be able to help others.

Prioritize yourself. You deserve it.

have mercy on yourself

Compassion for yourself is the greatest gift you can give yourself. As we embark on this difficult path called life, we must remember to treat ourselves with kindness.

You can take care of your own needs and remember that nothing else matters as much as taking care of yourself.

As Christopher Germer (psychologist) said:

“A moment of self-compassion can change your entire day. But constant empathy can change your whole life. “

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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