
What are the disadvantages of high heels? How do we avoid it?

Despite the damages of high heels, a survey organized by Novartis Consumer Health revealed that one in four women wears high heels every time they go out of the house, and that 25 percent of women wear high heels for more than seven hours a day, and 28 percent Of the women, five hours a day to stand or walk.

What are the damages of high heels and how do we avoid them?

And it was found in the survey that a large number of women, up to 42 percent, feel pain in their feet after wearing high heels for a period of time, which confirms the indications of podiatrists about the negative and harmful effects of high heels on the ankle, knee and lower back area.

What are the damages of high heels and how do we avoid them?

There are reasons for women’s love for high heels, including the survey, and the most prominent reason lies in the fact that high heels make women look thinner and give them extra length, making them look more beautiful. Another common reason for wearing high heels is that it is considered a fashion and that women consider it as a complementary touch to the outfit. elegant.

What are the damages of high heels and how do we avoid them?

This is what the women see on the surface. As for the damages, then there is nothing wrong with them, as the damages caused by high heels lead to:

Back arching.

Push the rib cage forward.

High heels impede the distribution of body weight on the sole of the foot so that it is collected in the front part of the foot only.

- Fatigue and muscle spasms.

Feeling of helplessness and lack of activity.

Reducing walking, which is the basis of physical health.

What are the damages of high heels and how do we avoid them?

Despite these damages proven by studies, the survey showed that forty percent of the women who participated in a survey do not believe that high heels have a harmful effect on the body, and thirty percent of them do nothing to relieve pain when they feel it from wearing high heels, nor do they do anything to relieve pain. Relax their body by using low-heeled shoes for a while.

The result: constant pressure on the same parts of the body without giving the muscles and joints any opportunity to rest or recover.

High heels that make you look beautiful now, make you suffer later and affect your health, agility and general activity.

What are the damages of high heels and how do we avoid them?

Tips to prevent damage to high heels:

Do not wear high heels to work because it requires you to move and be active.

Wear athletic shoes and shoes with low heels that are not harmful to your health.

Make high heels a companion only for occasions or for evening parties.

- Choose reasonable high heels and do not look for very high heels because it is more harmful.

Walk and exercise when you feel pain.

Beauty is an integrated picture..don't neglect your health in order to wear high heels..and always remember that the most beautiful thing about a woman is her radiance and presence.

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