
What is the relationship between high blood pressure and diabetes?

What is the relationship between high blood pressure and diabetes?

The celebration of World Hypertension Day on May 17 of each year aims to educate patients around the world, especially in low- and middle-income countries, about the life-threatening disease, which is one of the leading causes of premature death globally, according to what was published by the Boldsky website, which is concerned with health affairs. .

As part of the celebration of World Blood Pressure Day, the most important scientific achievements to protect human hearts are highlighted, in addition to launching new tools and supportive measures to prevent the risk of blood pressure.

blood pressure and diabetes

In many cases, high blood pressure is associated with diabetes (type 1, type 2, and pregnancy). A large number of studies have found that high blood pressure is a major risk factor for diabetes, which can lead to heart failure, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases.

This is the reason for the high number of deaths due to heart disease in diabetics.

According to a study in India, the prevalence of diabetes and hypertension is higher in middle age and among the elderly in all geographic regions (both rural and urban) and population groups, making an important point that standard of living and economic status have no influence in determining The occurrence of these two conditions.

tangled relationship

A study, published in the scientific journal PMC, titled "Diabetes Associated Diseases and Hypertension" showed that about 75% of adults with diabetes have high blood pressure, while the majority of people with high blood pressure develop symptoms of insulin resistance.

High blood pressure and diabetes are two chronic and intertwined conditions as well. They share common risk factors such as race, ethnicity and lifestyle, and their complications (both macrovascular and microvascular) also largely overlap through common mechanisms.

Macrovascular complications include stroke, heart failure and peripheral heart disease while microvascular complications include neuropathy, nephropathy, and retinopathy.

Cardiovascular diseases are among the three leading causes of death worldwide, with both high blood pressure and diabetes being major risk factors.

The relationship between high blood pressure and diabetes has also caused a huge economic burden on society. According to the annual medical cost, about $76.6 billion is spent to treat high blood pressure and its complications, while diabetes care costs $174 billion.

Treatment methods

1. Changing lifestyles

It is the first and most prominent way to manage high blood pressure or prevent its risks in the future. Some recommended lifestyle changes include:

• Getting rid of excess weight, especially for people who fall into the group of high blood pressure in the first stage.

• Follow the DASH diet, which includes reducing sodium intake, increasing potassium intake and increasing servings of fruits and vegetables.

• Regular physical activity for at least 30-45 minutes, appropriate for age, health, and other restrictions.

• Work to solve sleep problems such as sleep apnea, which is also among the main causes of high blood pressure associated with diabetes.

• Quit smoking because it increases the risk of both high blood pressure and diabetes.

• Pregnant women take Ayurvedic herbs, which help relieve pain and reduce vascular problems.

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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