
 How to prepare a coffee and banana smoothie.. and its most important benefits

What are the benefits of smoothie coffee and banana?

 How to prepare a coffee and banana smoothie.. and its most important benefits
A coffee and banana smoothie is a great way to start your day. It's a creamy, delicious smoothie that's packed with nutrients as you work through the day. It is prepared in ten minutes
Benefits of a coffee and banana smoothie:
 The potassium in bananas promotes heart health, as it stimulates blood flow in the blood vessels. It also contains dietary fiber that contributes to reducing harmful cholesterol in the body, which leads to better heart work. As for coffee, it improves cognition and mental alertness, and the sum of the elements of this smoothie works to lose weight because it contains complete elements that work to curb appetite for a long time.
Smoothie ingredients: 
  1.  Milk: Unsweetened almond milk or any kind of milk.
  2. Coffee: You can use fresh or chilled coffee
  3.  Banana: Frozen bananas for thick, creamy smoothies.
  4. Chia seeds: to increase its benefits and the grace of the smoothie
  5. Honey: to add a sweet flavor to smoothies
  6.  Ice: This is optional, but can help thicken the juice if you want it thicker
How to prepare the smoothie: 
  • Add pre-made coffee
  • Put the coffee, frozen banana, milk, honey and chia seeds in a blender, and blend them in the blender until completely smooth.
  • Gradually add ice cubes until you get the desired consistency.

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