
Learn about the cancer diet

What is the cancer diet?

Have you heard of the cancer diet and did you know that this is Diet helps a lot to recover from this disease And limit its spread, as we all know that nutrition is an integral part of the ways to treat some diseases, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, but a new study whose results are still preliminary has reinforced recent research that diet may play a role in treating cancer.

An article published in the journal "Nature" showed that a severe reduction of an amino acid, especially in red meat and eggs, increased the effectiveness of chemical and radiotherapy treatments that mice underwent, while slowing the growth of cancerous tumors, thus establishing the main points of the cancer diet.

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But it's still too early to draw conclusions about a possible human efficacy of such a diet, said lead author Jason Lucasall, an associate professor at Duke University in North Carolina.

His team reduced the mice's consumption of the amino acid methionine, which is essential for the body to supply through food as it cannot produce it on its own.

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This amino acid, which plays an essential role in metabolic reactions, is used to grow cancer cells.

The researchers tested this diet on healthy mice to confirm its desired effects on metabolism, and then on rodents with anal cancer or soft tissue sarcoma (two types of cancer that are rare and usually affect the organs or the thorax).

It was sufficient to subject the sick mice to a simple chemotherapy, which would not have affected the cancer alone without the diet, “to significantly reduce the growth of the tumor.”

The same was true when the reduction of methionine consumption was combined with radiotherapy in mice affected by "soft tissue sarcoma".

“We starve cancer cells by depriving them of some nutrients,” Jason Lucasal explained in an interview with Agence France-Presse. And he added: “Of course, this is not a comprehensive treatment against cancer, but it shows that abstaining from eating some foods affects the metabolism process, which in turn affects the growth of cancer cells.”

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In a first stage, researchers tested this diet on healthy people for three weeks. And they noticed a result similar to that recorded in mice, which enhances the possibility that this diet will have an effect on the growth of some tumors in humans, and this cancer diet is considered the best diet for people with this disease.

However, before definitive results can be reached, more research and the necessary funding must be mobilized.

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