
Why should the laptop camera be covered?

Why should the laptop camera be covered?

James Comey, the director of the FBI, stressed the need to cover the laptop camera or any smart device you use by placing a sticker in a press interview when the reporter asked him if he still puts a sticker on the camera in his home, and he confirmed that he does so despite the mockery of many on this act.

James Comey emphasized that although there are several organizations to protect you, you should not trust this too much, everyone is vulnerable and believes that putting a sticker on the camera makes sense if you think about protecting your privacy, and it is something that is officially implemented in government offices and large companies.

Although putting adhesive tape on your computer camera is not enough to protect you, but it is an initial step to protect privacy and then you can use protection programs first and then rely on the use of layers of protection in e-mail and other technical services on the Internet.

Many information security experts follow this tradition in all the smart devices they work with, due to the difficulty of securing the computer 100%, as the hacker can exploit a loophole in an application that uses the camera to open it without you knowing and can monitor you by writing a simple line of code to open the camera.

You should completely avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading anonymous attachments, as well as not opening messages from unknown people. All you have to do in the event of receiving such messages is to get rid of them immediately, as such messages are among the attackers' methods of penetrating webcams. This applies to ads you receive on social media.

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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