
The best cure for cancer is starving cancer cells

The issue of the best treatment for cancer remains a serious issue, as statistics have revealed that millions of people die annually around the world from cancer and diabetes, although they can be prevented or those with either of them can be protected from their fatal complications, according to the “Daily Health Post” website.

According to doctors and nutritionists, diabetes can be controlled and the body protected from its damage by following moderate diets and controlling blood sugar.

But, can the same be applied to cancer?

According to researchers, there is indeed a link between sugar and cancer.

Hidden sugar and latent cancer

Since the XNUMXs, Dr. Otto Wartburg and other health experts have been talking about how cancer loves sugar. Unfortunately, many doctors don't tell their cancer patients that as long as they continue to eat processed foods that are full of sugar, their battle with the disease will likely be more difficult.

German Professor Otto Wartburg, a physiologist, chief biochemist, therapist, and Nobel laureate, was convinced that you could starve cancer to expel it from the body.

Although it may not always be that easy, it can change the situation dramatically.

cancer fuel

Prof. Wartburg's theory was based on the fact that malignant cells result from cells that generate energy via ATP, due to a non-oxidative breakdown of glucose (sugar) in the body.

He concluded that if sugar is avoided, the body will not develop cancer. The relationship between sugar and cancer is not new.

Most people can easily get away from eating the main causes of diabetes and cancer from products made with refined sugar such as cakes, biscuits, etc.

The problem is that many foods that are packaged and sold in the market are full of refined sugar, and the contents are not clearly stated on the packaging labels. There can be healthy products, such as "healthy" yogurt, cereal, whole wheat or whole grain bread, and even "low-calorie" items, full of sugar.

The easiest way to get rid of unwanted refined sugars is to stop buying canned or packaged foods, and at least temporarily, stop eating in restaurants, because many restaurant chains source their food from major companies that “season” their food Lots of sugar and salt to make it more palatable, after it's been frozen and shipped across the country in trucks.

Even ingredients for salads and appetizers can be sweetened with sugar. If you, or someone you know has cancer, one of the best things you can do is to deprive cancer of its favorite food, “sugar,” and you will starve cancer cells to death.

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