noj qab haus huv

Cov tshuaj no yuav ua rau mob cataracts

Cov tshuaj no yuav ua rau mob cataracts

Cov tshuaj no yuav ua rau mob cataracts

Thaum cov lus qhia txog cov roj cholesterol siab hauv cov ntshav paub tseeb tias muaj teeb meem tsis pom kev, pab pawg kws tshawb fawb tau xaus lus tias cov neeg mob uas muaj kev sib txawv ntawm caj ces txuas nrog cov tshuaj statin muaj kev pheej hmoo ntau ntxiv ntawm kev tsim kab mob cataracts.

Cov kev tshawb fawb yav dhau los tau pom tias muaj qee cov pov thawj tias statins tuaj yeem ua rau muaj kev pheej hmoo ntawm kev tsim kab mob cataracts, raws li The Print, hais txog Phau Ntawv Xov Xwm ntawm American Heart Association (JAHA).

statins nkaus xwb

Thaum txoj kev tshawb fawb tsis ntev los no tau sau tseg tias cov kws tshawb fawb tau tshawb pom tias qee cov noob uas ua raws li cov haujlwm ntawm statins tuaj yeem ua rau muaj kev pheej hmoo ntawm kev tsim kab mob cataracts.

Lawv piav qhia tias cov tshuaj no feem ntau txo qis LDL cov roj cholesterol los ntawm inhibiting ib qho enzyme hu ua HMG-CoA-reductase (HMGCR).

Txawm li cas los xij, kev tshawb fawb tshawb fawb tau lees paub tias qhov sib txawv hauv cheeb tsam HMGCR gene hauv tib neeg genome cuam tshuam li cas cov neeg mob metabolize cov roj cholesterol.

Nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd, txoj kev tshawb no tus thawj coj tshawb fawb, xib fwb Jonas Jahaus, ib tug khub nyob rau hauv lub Cardiac Genetics Group ntawm lub Molecular Cardiology Laboratory ntawm lub Department of Biomedical Sciences ntawm University of Copenhagen nyob rau hauv Denmark, qhia tias txoj kev tshawb no tsis muaj peev xwm nrhiav tau ib qho kev koom tes ntawm tshiab. Cov tshuaj uas tsis yog statin thiab cov tshuaj generic, lipid-lowering thiab cataract txaus ntshai, yog li nws yuav muaj feem cuam tshuam tshwj xeeb rau statins.

Txawm li cas los xij, nws tau hais txog qhov tseem ceeb ntawm cov txiaj ntsig ntawm statins kom txo qis lipoproteins tsawg hauv cov neeg uas muaj cov roj cholesterol siab, piav qhia tias lawv ntau dua qhov pheej hmoo me me ntawm kev tsim kab mob cataracts.

5 hom kab mob sib txawv

Cov kws tshawb fawb tau tshuaj xyuas cov ntaub ntawv caj ces ntawm ntau dua 402,000 tus neeg, tsom mus rau tsib yam uas tau txheeb pom yav dhau los cov kab mob sib txawv uas txo qis LDL roj cholesterol.

Cov qhab nia ntawm caj ces raug xam raws li cov txiaj ntsig ua ntej ntawm txhua qhov sib txawv ntawm LDL-cholesterol. Cov ntaub ntawv genetic coding tom qab ntawd raug tshuaj xyuas los txheeb xyuas cov neeg nqa khoom ntawm qhov tsis tshua muaj kev hloov pauv hauv HMGCR cov noob hu ua qhov kev xav poob-ntawm-kev hloov pauv.

"Thaum peb nqa qhov poob ntawm kev ua haujlwm hloov pauv, cov noob yuav tsis ua haujlwm," xibfwb Jahaus tau hais. Yog tias HMGCR noob tsis ua haujlwm, lub cev tsis tuaj yeem tsim cov protein no. Yooj yim muab tso, qhov kev poob ntawm kev ua haujlwm hloov pauv hauv HMGCR noob yog sib npaug rau kev noj tshuaj statin. "
genetic risk score

Cov txiaj ntsig ntawm txoj kev tshawb fawb tau qhia tias muaj kev pheej hmoo ntawm caj ces vim HMGCR ua rau tib neeg muaj feem yuav mob cataracts.

Txhua 38.7 mg / dL txo qis hauv LDL-cholesterol los ntawm genetic qhab nia tau cuam tshuam nrog 14% nce kev pheej hmoo ntawm kev tsim kab mob cataracts thiab 25% muaj kev pheej hmoo ntawm kev phais.

Cov nyhuv zoo

Raws li cov txiaj ntsig zoo, cov kws tshawb fawb tau tshaj tawm tias qhov kev txwv loj ntawm txoj kev tshawb no yog tias thaum nqa cov noob caj noob ces ua rau muaj kev pheej hmoo ntawm kev tsim cov kab mob cataracts, qhov kev pheej hmoo no yuav tsum tsis txhob raug ntsuas tib yam rau cov neeg uas pib noj statins tom qab lub neej. Statins, uas txo cov roj cholesterol hauv cov ntshav. Kev soj ntsuam ntxiv ntawm lub koom haum no hauv kev sim tshuaj ntau ntxiv yog xav tau los xyuas kom meej cov kev tshawb pom no.

Nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb tias kev tiv thaiv cov roj (cholesterol) siab thiab cov kev pheej hmoo uas nws ua rau muaj ntau txoj hauv kev, qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws yog kev hloov kho txoj kev ua neej thiab kev tawm dag zog tsis tu ncua, thaum ua raws li cov khoom noj kom raug, thiab tsis haus luam yeeb.

Raws li kev soj ntsuam nrog tus kws kho mob thaum muaj kev raug mob thiab ua raws li daim ntawv tshuaj kom tsis txhob muaj teeb meem txaus ntshai.

Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Tus Lwm Thawj Coj Tus Thawj Coj thiab Tus Thawj Saib Xyuas Kev Sib Raug Zoo, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Kev cob qhia tus kheej tsim

Lwm Yam Lus

Mus rau saum khawm
Sau npe tam sim no dawb nrog Ana Salwa Koj yuav tau txais peb cov xov xwm ua ntej, thiab peb yuav xa ib tsab ntawv ceeb toom rau koj txhua qhov tshiab Tsis yog Yog lawm
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