
Saib xyuas koj iPhone los ntawm hlawv

Saib xyuas koj iPhone los ntawm hlawv

Saib xyuas koj iPhone los ntawm hlawv

Ntau tus lees tias Apple lub iPhones muaj kev nyab xeeb heev, tab sis qee qhov kev ua yuam kev tuaj yeem ua rau hluav taws kub.

Thiab cov ntawv xov xwm Askiv, The Sun, tau tshaj tawm cov teeb meem loj tshaj plaws ntawm iPhone uas cov neeg siv yuav tsum zam kom tsis txhob muaj hluav taws kub.

Thib peb tog chargers

Apple muab lub iPhone nrog nws tus kheej lub charger, thiab muag lwm txoj hauv kev los ntawm nws lub khw. Tab sis ceev faj heev txog kev siv cov khoom siv thib peb lossis cov khoom siv hluav taws xob, vim tias lawv yuav raug tsim khoom pheej yig thiab tsis muaj cov qauv kev nyab xeeb zoo.

Apple hais tias "Kev them nqi nrog cov hloov pauv no yuav ua rau muaj kev pheej hmoo tuag lossis raug mob," Apple hais. Txawm hais tias lub charger tsis zoo yuav ua rau hluav taws kub yog tias nws ua haujlwm tsis zoo.

kab mob puas

Ceev faj yog tias koj siv lub cable uas puas, tawg, frayed, thiab lwm yam.

Apple ceeb toom tias "siv cov kab hluav taws xob lossis lub chargers puas, lossis them thaum muaj dej noo, tuaj yeem ua rau hluav taws kub, hluav taws xob, lossis raug mob lossis puas rau iPhone lossis lwm yam khoom."

Thiab yog hais tias koj muaj ib tug puas cable los yog adapter, cia li hloov nws, vim hais tias txuas ntxiv siv ib tug frayed cable yuav ua tau txaus ntshai heev.

roj teeb

Ntawm nws lub vev xaib, Apple piav qhia: “Tsis txhob sim hloov lub roj teeb iPhone koj tus kheej. Lub roj teeb lithium-ion hauv iPhone yuav tsum tau hloov los ntawm Apple lossis los ntawm tus neeg muab kev pabcuam tso cai.

"Kev hloov lossis kho tsis raug yuav ua rau lub roj teeb puas, kub dhau, lossis raug mob," lub tuam txhab ntxiv.

Lub roj teeb uas kub dhau tuaj yeem hlawv koj thiab lub roj teeb lithium-ion puas tuaj yeem ntes hluav taws.

Tsis txhob pw ntawm nws

Ceev faj thaum them koj iPhone ib hmos. Thiab yog tias koj feem ntau pw nrog koj lub xov tooj ntawm lub txaj, xyuas kom tseeb tias nws tsis tau ntsaws rau hauv.

Thiab yeej tsis tau siv los khaws nws hauv qab koj lub hauv ncoo thaum nws ntsaws rau hauv. Qhov tseeb, tsis txhob tso koj lub iPhone hauv qab lossis hauv ib yam dab tsi thaum nws txuas rau.

Apple pom zoo: "Cuav koj lub iPhone, lub hwj chim adapter, thiab txhua lub wireless charger nyob rau hauv qhov chaw muaj cua zoo thaum siv lossis them."

Koj ua li cas nrog ib tug neeg uas ntse tsis quav ntsej koj?

http://عادات وتقاليد شعوب العالم في الزواج

Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Tus Lwm Thawj Coj Tus Thawj Coj thiab Tus Thawj Saib Xyuas Kev Sib Raug Zoo, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Kev cob qhia tus kheej tsim

Lwm Yam Lus

Mus rau saum khawm
Sau npe tam sim no dawb nrog Ana Salwa Koj yuav tau txais peb cov xov xwm ua ntej, thiab peb yuav xa ib tsab ntawv ceeb toom rau koj txhua qhov tshiab Tsis yog Yog lawm
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