
In light of the excessive use of sterilization gel, here are its harms

In light of the excessive use of sterilization gel, here are its harms

Hand sanitizer gel, which contains 70% alcohol, is used in the absence of water, soap and a towel, since the Corona pandemic began to spread around the world. This generation became one of the most sought after goods in stores. The main benefit is that it can be used anywhere, and it is easy to carry around all the time.

Alcohol as one of the components of the sterilizing gel helps to kill germs, some viruses and bacteria, but it does not eliminate all viruses or germs, as some of them are not affected by the effect of alcohol.

Here are more details from a report published by WebMD, where it places a disinfectant or hand sanitizer in second place after water and soap to protect against the emerging corona virus and the rest of germs and microbes, in addition to specific controls and precautions for its use.

for temporary sterilization

Hand sanitizer can kill germs, but it doesn't clean hands of dirt. Soap and water is the primary and safe way to clean hands of any dirt. Soap and water not only clean and sanitize, they are actually more effective in killing germs and viruses.

Soap suds are more effective at getting rid of chemicals that can get stuck to the hands.

Does not penetrate mucus

One study showed that hand sanitizer might not work well if mucus got stuck to the hands. Experts say that the thickness of mucus helps protect germs, and therefore washing hands with soap and water is the best way to sterilize them after sneezing, especially those with colds and flu.

alcohol ratios

The CDC recommends using hand sanitizers that contain at least 60% alcohol. That is why experts advise that it is necessary to check the percentage of alcohol included in the ingredients of the hand sanitizer to ensure that the largest possible number of germs and viruses are eliminated when used, in addition to relying only on tightly closed containers.


The quality of hand sanitizing gel is evaluated by the extent to which it contains appropriate proportions of alcohol and, therefore, is a flammable substance. So be sure to keep bottles of hand sanitizer in a safe place away from flames or high heat.

Toxic ingredients

The US Food and Drug Administration's recommendations have revealed that methanol, which is in more than 100 brands of hand sanitizer products, can be absorbed by the skin.

Symptoms that can be caused by skin absorption of methanol include nausea, vomiting, headache, blurred vision, blindness, coma, permanent nervous system damage or even death.

Experts recommend avoiding the use of any hand sanitizer products that contain methanol in their ingredients.

danger to children

Hand sanitizer packets and bottles should be kept out of the reach of young children, as even a small sip of it may cause a young child to develop alcohol poisoning.

Cracked and dry skin

The alcohol in hand sanitizer can dry out and crack the skin, which in itself is a reason for germs to enter the body. A small enough amount for spot cleaning should be used each time hand sanitizer is used to prevent this from happening.

Wrong use

Hands must be free of dirt so that hand sanitizer can work in the right way to eliminate germs. Experts recommend pumping a small amount of hand sanitizer and rubbing it well for 20 seconds, then repeat the ball for a second time until the hands and fingers are dry.

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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